FAQs for the 2016 Cadillac SRX

2016 Cadillac SRX Reviews

4.4 out of 5 (16 reviews)
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Looks good, doesn't work well.

The electrical systems has been funky since a week after I bought the car. The CD player doesn't work, and the screen keeps sending messages you can't get rid of. The car is missing most of the boo...


Good service, very reasonable and fast.


  • Reliability: No problem


  • Cost to Maintain: very expensive but worth it

Love our SRX

Very smooth ride. I love everything about it.


  • Interior Space
  • Technology and Entertainment
  • Seat Comfort


Q:What are the pros and cons of the 2016 Cadillac SRX?

A: Here are the pros and cons of the 2016 Cadillac SRX:

Pros Cons
  • Ride and Handling
  • Reliability
  • Technology and Entertainment
  • Dashboard
  • Cabin Noise
  • Visibility

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