FAQs for the 2017 Hyundai Accent
2017 Hyundai Accent Reviews
Love my car small and powerful
I never drove anything but Hyundai , my first one lasted over 15 years and still strong when I Traded it in, I went for a four door this time..
- RideHandling
- CargoSpace
- Reliability
great buy
great vehicle great on gas
- Fuel Economy
- Cargo Space
- Power
great performance in a smaller hatchback
even though it's a smaller car I feel safe driving it. Don't travel far, most trips under 20 miles. Good mileage. Comfortable interior, good looking car.
- Ride and Handling: easy to park, smooth ride.
- Fuel Economy: good mileage
- Cargo Space: hatchback great for shopping
Q:What are the pros and cons of the 2017 Hyundai Accent?
A: Here are the pros and cons of the 2017 Hyundai Accent:
Pros | Cons |
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