BMW 640 Reviews

4.4 out of 5 (13 reviews)
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BMW 640 GT demands respect

The BMW 640 GT is just different. like it more than my X6.


  • Cabin Noise: just a classy car


  • Power: moving from v8 to v6

The "GT"

This BMW is not common. It is a 640 GT V6 turbo charged and fast. It has 3 modes of driving, sport, comfort and eco mode (rarely use eco,...just too hard to go slow). Its just different than othe...

Sporty and luxurious

Great mpg when in eco mode, 32 highway for a big BMW with a lot of pickup. In sport+ mode, it’s quick to respond with little to no turbo lag, sport steering when you want, all while in luxurious massa...

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